STUNNING. hope you get it for your formal. it would be awesome, very unique and one of a kind! convince those friends/parents to pitch in!
Goodness, that's basically my dream dress.
ohhh, it's beautiful! not even going to look at the price tag as i think i'll cry
oh it really is beautiful....i'd probably sell my soul for the dress!
elizabeth olsen is quite the beauty, dare i say, even more beautiful than her sisters!
Oh my gosh! That dress is wonderful!
erm sorry, can't afford it - but we can drool over it together (won't that make a pretty picture). It looks very 1920s in style. Also, I love her sandals.
erimentha: this would be a true test of friendship if anything haha;)
april: oh yes, i'm sure this dress has floated into the dreams of girls across the universe.
rebecca: i know exactly what you mean.
ella: i've considered selling my soul but hell is supposedly hot and I'm definitely a winter person tee hee... +elizabeth olsen is a babe. and she smiles unlike her sisters which, I think, makes her infinitely hotter!
cassidy: it ever!
hila: ...i understand- with the economy and whatnot haha:) i think that anymore drooling over this dress would cause me some kind of hernia.
Hey, don't be jealous! It is just a dress. Buy yourself a cake to feel better:)
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